Scientific Programme

The Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) is designing a high-level scientific programme, aligned with the ECTS mission – to promote excellence in research into the field of calcified tissues, and to ensure the findings are disseminated to enable benefit to patients with metabolic bone diseases.
The congress will emphasise the importance of innovation, introducing topics at the forefront of musculoskeletal research and clinical practice.
Register today and join the ECTS community during the four-day programme for unparalleled education and a unique congress experience.
The ECTS 2025 Programme will be rich, with plenary sessions, debates, educational symposia, industry symposia, clinical/basic science concurrent sessions, workshops, training courses, open fora and more. The ECTS 2025 programme will bring you:
- The latest Science: basic science and clinical research and implications for practice
- Essential updates in the musculoskeletal field
- What is new, the year in review
- Latest technological updates and applications
- Clinically relevant information and advice
- Interaction with international renowned experts and leaders in the field
- New Investigator programme developed by ECTS Academy
Scientific Programme Committee
- Christian Muschitz (LOC Chair)
- Astrid Fahrleitner-Pammer (Graz, Austria)
- Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch (Graz, Austria)
- Rudolf Gasser (Innsbruck, Austria)
- Sonja Gamsjäger (Vienna, Austria)